Política de Privacidad

Protection of personal data

Through this privacy policy REVERTER INDUSTRIES CORP S.A. wishes to inform all persons browsing and accessing the website www.reverterindustries.com about the processing of personal data.

Access to the website does not require prior registration. In any case, by browsing the website, the User fully accepts this privacy policy and cookies policy.

Before sending any request for information through the contact form on this website, the user must accept the privacy policy, in order to provide express and informed consent for the processing of data for the purposes indicated.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and subsidiarily in what is not regulated, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, approving the Regulation implementing Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, REVERTER INDUSTRIES CORP S.A.:

Responsible for the file:

The company, The Company:


VAT NUMBER: A43018167
Telephone: 977730071
E-mail: marta@reverterindustries.com

From now on ¨The Company¨.

Purpose and conservation of the data: The company will process Users’ data in accordance with the following purposes:

  1. To manage the use of the functionalities made available through the Website. The data processed for this purpose will be kept for as long as the contractual and/or commercial relationship between the User and the Company is maintained. In the event that the requests made by a user do not maintain a contractual relationship, the data will be kept until this request has been resolved.
  2. To process job applications and manage selection processes. The data processed for this purpose will be kept for a maximum of 1 year from receipt or completion of the selection process.
  3. To keep users informed by means of commercial communications about services and news from The Company. The User will only receive these commercial communications in the event of acceptance, by ticking the corresponding box.

This data will only be processed until such time as the User withdraws their consent or exercises their right to object.

Recipients: User data will not be passed on to third parties except for legal obligation.

Rights: At any time the User may freely exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of data, as well as the other rights regulated in Regulation (EU) 679/2016, i.e. the right to portability and limitation of processing, by writing to The Company at the address CAMÍ DE VINAROS, SN, 43530, ALCANAR, in TARRAGONA (Ref. Data Protection), or at the following email address marta@reverterindustries.com. The Company informs the User that, if he/she deems it appropriate, he/she has the right to lodge a complaint with the corresponding supervisory authority.

Is it obligatory to provide all the information requested in the contact section?

With regard to the forms on the Website, the User must complete those marked as ‘required’. Failure to complete the required personal data or doing so partially may mean that The Company will not be able to attend to their requests and, consequently, The Company will be exonerated from any liability for the non-provision or incomplete provision of the services requested.

The personal data provided by the User to The Company must be current so that the information in the records is updated and error-free. The User will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided.

Minors: Minors under 14 years of age may not provide their personal data to The Company without the consent of their parents and/or legal guardians.

In the event that The Company detects that the User is under 14 years of age, it reserves the right to request a copy of their ID card or equivalent identity document, or, where appropriate, authorisation from their parents and/or legal guardians, causing the User to be deregistered if they do not provide proof of compliance with this requirement or fail to respond.

What security measures does the company have in place?

The Company informs that the processing of personal data is carried out at all times in accordance with the applicable regulations on data protection and information society services.

The Company has implemented the necessary technical and organisational security measures to guarantee the security of the User’s personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing and/or unauthorised access in accordance with the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or from the physical or natural environment, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

Social networks

The Company has profiles on social networks in order to publish and disseminate information about the services provided through the website, interact with users and provide a channel for social interaction and attention.

The following are the social networks in which The Company has an open profile under the trade name Reverter Industries Corp. are:

Youtube Linkedin